Company Profile
Dot Creative Design was established in 2006 as the share dream of four inspired individuals. Since then, it has grown by leaps and bounds, with more and more joining the ranks everyday to help put Creative Design to work for all sorts of clients. Our work has gotten bigger, our client base has gotten bigger, our team has gotten bigger.
Client Lists
- 988
- Aeroline
- Bank of China
- Bee's
- BenQ
- Body Natur
- Bonia
- Chur Associates
- ecoBrown's
- etv
- Gan & Zul
- Golden Chef
- In Love with Selangor
- Kechara
- KiwiBerry
- Khind
- LaGourment
- Lotte
- McGirvanmedia
- Mederis
- Mesra Mall
- Morph
- OldTown
- Philip Morris
- Prudential
- Strateq
- Symphony
- Upeca